EBI helps private schools find competitive health insurance and group benefits plans, to attract the best teachers and administrators.
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EBI gives schools and teachers protection without straining budgets.

Schools have always been a high-risk environment when it comes to health concerns. EBI wants teachers and staff to have the security and peace of mind of knowing that their medical care and coverage are in good hands. From parochial to public, different schools have different needs. EBI’s niche team caters to schools of all backgrounds, without any “one size fits all” mentality.

When it comes to school budgets, every dollar matters. At EBI, it is expected to negotiate a deal that provides our educators the highest value coverage, at the lowest price possible. Take control of your insurance needs with EBI, and put your money back where it belongs: in the classroom.


Education Services at a Glance

Education-Specific Guidance

  • Identify specific risks and liabilities

  • Address liability, property, and worker compensation

  • Establish best safety practices

  • Claims administration advice